
Home Services Corporate Finance and Business Advisory

Corporate Finance and Business Advisory

Growing business through organic or acquisition methodologies

You would not take on your biggest project without a lot of experience, and yet with an acquisition, buy-out or flotation, you might find yourself facing exactly that situation. You will need advisers who will not only help you find the finance, but be there with you every step of the way.

Major deals are stressful and time-consuming, and you still have a business to run in the meantime.

We can advise and support you through every stage, from assessing your initial options to finding sellers or buyers, to securing the final deal. We make sure that you stay in control throughout by having constant direct access to the partner in charge.

Whether you are part of a management team hoping to buy out your business, or a company looking to expand through acquisitions or to float on the stock market, we can help you drive your vision forward.

Our services include:

  • General Business Advisory
  • M&A Advisory
  • Financial Modeling/Feasibility/Viability Assessment
  • Independent Advice
  • Corporate Restructuring Advisory
  • IPO/RTO Advisory
  • MBO Advisory
  • Valuation
  • Due Diligence
  • Fund Raising (Debt/Equity)

Is your business ready to rise to new heights? Are you?