PKF Malaysia Insights

Home Insights 2023 Editions PKF E-Tax News - Malaysian Revised Budget 2023 Key Tax Highlights
2023 Editions • 0001-01-01

PKF E-Tax News - Malaysian Revised Budget 2023 Key Tax Highlights

Budget 2023 : Developing Malaysia MADANI

The revised Budget 2023 which was re-tabled on 24 February 2023 by the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim is the largest budget on record with an allocation of RM386 billion. The 'Madani Budget’ focuses on 12 main pillars of initiatives with the aim of driving an inclusive and sustainable economy, restoring confidence via institutional and governance reforms, and enforcing social justice to combat inequalities.

In this edition of PKF Budget 2023 E-Tax News, we have summarized the key budget highlights from a tax perspective, documenting the tax related proposals and changes as announced in the refreshed Budget 2023, which would be essential for you and your businesses to be informed.

Download document here: -

PKF E-Tax News - Malaysian Revised Budget 2023 Key Tax Highlights

PKF Malaysia : Budget 2023 Tax Webinar

Do join us at our complimentary half-day Budget 2023 Tax Webinar which will be held soon, for a more detailed analysis of the tax implications of Budget 2023. Please stay tuned for our webinar invites with the confirmed date and time, together with the registration link. As this is a complimentary webinar, please note that slots are limited.

Click the link below and scan QR code to register your seat: -

PKF Special Complimentary 2023 Tax Budget Webinar Part 1 Maximizing Tax Benefits From Budget 2023

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